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WSTA urges two-year alcohol duty freeze to boost economy

Published:  23 September, 2024

Wine and spirit businesses are calling on the government to freeze alcohol duty for at least two years, arguing it will help offset declining revenues and support public finances.


Soapbox: Miles Beale's hope for the future

Published:  06 August, 2024

Wine & Spirit Trade Association CEO Miles Beale shares his optimism that the new government will listen to the trade.


Campari Group’s Francesco Cruciani joins WSTA executive board

Published:  12 July, 2024

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has welcomed a new board member, adding another major global spirit brand to its executive board.


The future of wine writing

Published:  11 June, 2024

With times tough and outlets shrinking, Chris Losh invites trade comment on the relevance of wine writers.


Analysis: Call to action by trade body

Published:  11 June, 2024

WSTA chief urges government action for £35bn UK wine sector. James Bayley reports.


UK wine and spirit industry boosts economy with £76bn contribution

Published:  10 June, 2024

A recent report by the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has highlighted the substantial economic impact of the UK's wine and spirit industry, which contributed over £76bn to the economy in 2022. This marks a significant increase from the £49bn reported five years ago.


WSTA seeks independent retailers’ views on ending wine duty easement

Published:  29 May, 2024

The Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) is calling on independent retailers to participate in a brief survey regarding the scheduled end of the temporary wine duty easement next February. This measure, introduced in August 2023 as part of the government's alcohol duty review, allows wines with an alcohol content between 11.5% and 14.5% abv to be taxed at a standardised rate of 12.5% abv. Once the easement ends, wines will be taxed based on their actual alcoholic strength.


CTSI report: Nearly half of wine in UK pubs and bars is short-measured

Published:  28 May, 2024

A report released by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has revealed that 70% of beer and wine served in UK pubs and bars is short-measured, resulting in significant financial losses for consumers. The study highlighted that an average beer drinker is losing approximately £88.40 annually, while a wine drinker loses around £114.40 per year due to under-pouring.


WSTA, The Drinks Trust and WSET launch appeal for EDI Initiative

Published:  28 May, 2024

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA), The Drinks Trust and the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) have launched an appeal for funding to support the initial stage of its initiative aimed at fostering equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the UK drinks industry. 


Quality over quantity marks 2024 London Wine Fair

Published:  24 May, 2024

The London Wine Fair 2024, held at Olympia from 20-22 May, experienced a decrease in both visitor and exhibitor numbers, but the focus on visitor quality brought a positive response from exhibitors and attendees alike. 


UK drinks trade reacts to surprise July general election

Published:  23 May, 2024

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a surprise general election on July 4 has stirred significant reactions within the UK drinks trade. 


WSTA chief urges government action for £35bn UK wine sector

Published:  21 May, 2024

At the London Wine Fair 2024, Miles Beale, chief executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA), delivered a comprehensive ‘State of the Nation’ speech, reflecting on the past four and a half years of the UK wine market under various government administrations and outlining the sector’s needs from the next government.


30 Under 30: Results 2024!

Published:  20 May, 2024

Harpers is delighted to present our annual rundown of the top-ranking members of the trade aged under 30 for 2024. The sheer breadth of quality applicants from across the UK, from cities to remote rural corners, truly gets better every year. Now in its third cycle, Harpers 30 Under 30 received over 100 applications (a mixture of self-nominations and via colleagues), with each prospective star deserving recognition. 


Trade bodies unite for diversity and inclusion programme

Published:  27 March, 2024

The Drinks Trust, the WSET and the WSTA, are co-ordinating a drinks industry-wide Equity Diversity & Inclusion programme with the stated aim, ‘to create an inclusive and equitable UK drinks industry where everyone feels welcome, safe and supported’.


Alcohol duty frozen till February 2025

Published:  06 March, 2024

The government dashed hopes of a cut to alcohol duty following the announcement of the Spring Budget today (6 March) by chancellor Jeremy Hunt.


WSTA makes ‘last-ditch plea’ for duty cut

Published:  01 March, 2024

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) along with over 100 UK wine and spirit producers, retailers and hospitality businesses have called on the government to cut duty in a ‘last-ditch plea’ ahead of the Budget announcement on 6 March.


Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris 2024 details announced

Published:  19 January, 2024

A full programme of events has been announced for the upcoming Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris, from 12 to 14 February, with major industry challenges being the prevailing theme across the show.


New wine label reforms take effect

Published:  02 January, 2024

As of yesterday (1 January 2024), several new wine reforms introduced by the government have taken effect, including the removal of importer addresses from wine labels.


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Miles Beale, WSTA

Published:  22 December, 2023

Following another turbulent year for the drinks trade, Miles Beale, CEO of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA), reflects on the highs and lows of 2023, plus the hopes and plans for businesses in the year ahead.


WSTA debunks pesticide report

Published:  15 December, 2023

Recent results from a UK government testing programme have suggested a dramatic increase in the proportion of wine that contains multiple pesticide residues – up from 14% in 2016 to 50% in 2022.